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Next Generation Integration

CinC and PHENOM provide an open framework that enables scalable development and integration of system capabilities. Together, they enable developers and integrators to work collaboratively to address integration scalability challenges head on.


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A next generation FACE™ Transport Service, enables integration of systems through generation of infrastructure software derived from the data model, integration models, and deployment models developed in PHENOM. CinC provides compilable integration code generation through a variety of included and customizable templates and integrator-optimized data manipulation functions.

The ecosystem for development, review, validation, and tracing of data, integration, and deployments models. Leveraging Skayl’s FACE™ Conformant Domain Specific Data Model (DSDM) in model construction increases interoperability across other systems and domain via previously modeled interfaces.

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Start your trial. See how both developers and integrators are using our tools to easily address integration scalability.

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